Sunday, July 17, 2011

What a lousy week

Blake continued working working working his 12-day stretch. I got sick. James got sick. I lost my voice. Blake was on call today (Sunday) so I had to haul James along to my Primary class, which consists of (7) 4-year olds and one teacher (me).
I joined basically a wives group of Wash U residents and went to the Welcome Brunch yesterday while Blake took the kids swimming because he finally had a day off and I won $20 to Ted Drewes! If you have been to visit us or live in St. Louis, you have been there and you have loved it and dreamt about it. If you haven't, good thing you'll never know what you're missing.

1 comment:

Sarah McK said...

Ugh, so sorry! I hate residency. It feels never ending, and yet it has just begun! Two summers ago at that brunch Ann won a huge case of Fitz's sodas and didn't want it b/c she and Ryan didn't get soda. Guess who got to take it home????? It was gone at an astonishing rate!! :)