Friday, September 12, 2008

Families are forever

When Blake and I moved to St. Louis, we quickly realized that when people say Utah drivers are bad, they have no idea what they are talking about. St. Louis drivers are terrible! They turn left from the straight lane if the left turn lane line is too long. There are exits on the left on the freeway so that is an excuse for slow drivers to sit in the left lane. They are the slowest mergers: either they expect everyone to make way for them, or the slow down if a car is approaching when everyone knows you’re supposed to accelerate when you are merging on a freeway. They don’t get in the intersection to turn left if there is a yield on green sign and if the light turns yellow, they won’t make the left. If they can cut in front of you, they will. And they coast through stop signs.

Not that that is peculiar to St. Louis, or that it has particularly bugged me before. I think we all laugh on Clueless when Dion says, “Hello, there was a stop sign back there...” and Cher answers, “What, I totally paused!” because we all do it. But last Sunday, Blake, Isaac, and I went for a walk. We were crossing the street at a stop sign and a woman approached in a car while we were already in the intersection. She coasted through and started speeding up right as she was hitting us. Blake and I both had to jump out of the way. The car touched both of us but not hard enough to bruise us. We are so lucky that we weren’t knocked down, especially since Blake was wearing Isaac in the front pack. I am glad, though, that I insisted that Blake wear the front pack because what if Blake had dropped Isaac?

Anyway, an experience like that makes you realize what is important in life. We both were just concerned about Isaac. As I cried on and off Sunday night, I thought about how grateful I am for the knowledge that families are eternal. I know that if anything happened, I would see my little boy or husband or sister or mother in heaven.

Anyway, to lighten it up, here is a stick figure dramitization.


Shawnee said...

I'm so glad you found our blog! I'm always curious as to where the "village people" have ended up. It's looks like you guys are doing great and your Isaac is adorable! Is it OK for me to add you to our friends list? You are welcome to add us if you want!

todd and jeanette said...

scary stuff! i bet it's even better in the winter with icy roads- yuck! it's a good thing you both have superhero reactions. lucky for the driver you didn't fly after them. ;) glad everyone (especially ike) is okay.

Lucy said...

I'm so glad you're OK! What a scary experience!

Camille said...

That is crazy! I am glad you are safe. I feel the same way about Atlanta drivers...they are nuts! Jake has actually been hit a couple times as well, but not hurt. People out west who say Utah drivers are bad have not idea. Anything goes on the roads here! :)

megan said...

Oh Marie that is frightening. I'm so glad you, Isaac, and Blake are safe. It is such a blessing to know we will see our families past this life. I remember almost getting hit while crossing an intersection. It happened while I was living in Provo. I moved back to SLC lickety-split.

Andrew and Ariel said...

Word, Dog! Yikes. Funny, I had the same realization when my scooter was stolen. I thought that in the tragic case I lost Ariel or Abraham I would know where they were and that we would be together again.
That little Isaac sure is a fun little fella. He will go along well with my Abraham, Kristo Allred's Noah, and Taylor Bohling's Moses. They'll start an Old Testament Club (OTC) at Olympus. And Jack will take them to Over The Counter for breakfast. OTC at OTC.
Good to hear from you! Congrats on the baby!
This was long.